What a beautiful and uneventful landing for Atlantis yesterday. It was a great mission, no major hitches and quite a clean launch. No TPS concerns. Delayed though it was by ECO sensors, the mission itself was a smooth one. Endeavour will launch in three weeks, which is a little startling, but pleasing.
The "erratic" or "dead" satellite (so called spy imaging satellite) was shot down successfully by the Navy last night. Good show. All sorts of implications and things one could speculate on, which I will not go into here, as I consider it beyond the scope of this blog. Why did I mention it then? The shot itself was of great interest.
There was a total eclipse of the moon last night. That was fun and interesting to watch. Though I've seen so many and completely understand what is happening, I never cease to be amazed by it. I enjoy watching the heavens which delcare the glory of God. The firmament showeth His handiwork.
Haven't much to say today. Dragging because of this cold that has lingered a couple of weeks. Just cave canem. Carpe canem. In hoc signo vinces. Haec lim meminisse ivvabit. Abeunt studia in mores. Si vis amari ama. Res tuas cura. Vale.
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