Valentine's is tomorrow, and also this year my wonderful spouse and I celebrate 25 years of marriage. It's a great thing to be loved, really loved. There are so many people that only want to complain about their spouse and children. I work with people who enjoy working late because that means they have to spend less time with their family. That's a very sad indictment. Marriage has become something to rush into with the thought of "we can always divorce if it doesn't work out." Like changing your clothes at the end of the day because you tire of them. I'm not condeming all cases of divorce. I realize there are people who consider it carefully and for various reasons the marriage just can't be salvaged. But there is an attitude that snakes through society that marriage is like buying a piece of cake, caught in the moment of lust for what looks good and is of brief enjoyment, rather than buying a house on a thirty year mortgage, a long term commitment to one goal, to be worked for and enjoyed for a long time to come. I look forward to the next 25 years with great anticipation for even more enjoyment than the first 25 years. My best friend as well as my lover. I'm content and very happy.
I have very much enjoyed my return to writing. I've completed two stories and have plans on paper for the next story. It would be nice to be paid for it, but I realize how difficult it is to break in and I've tried it. It's good to have hobbies that are relaxing and fun also. I have a sense of creativity and achievement. There are things that I am still struggling with, but I also enjoy the simple act of carving out a plot and resolving the issues, but not too cleanly.
It's nice to have a warm furry companion who is happy to see you every time you come home, no matter how you feel, one to kiss you and cuddle up with you just because you came home...and only demands a bowl of food and to snuggle.
Go out tonight (if you don't live in a light saturated area) and look straight up at the stars...and wonder.
Sunrise from space. Welcome to the neighborhood, Columbus.

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