Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What in the world

It's a catchy title.

I may actually be speechless this morning, and not because anything excessively exciting or wonderful has happened. Speechless as in, I have nothing to say. (You certainly are typing a lot when you have nothing to say.) Well, let us clarify then. I generally have an idea what I wish to talk about when I begin. However, this morning, that is elusive. Hey, but you don't think that is going to stop me, do you??

I do have to say that it has been quite rewarding to be writing creatively again. (No, not this. This isn't creative.) I've enjoyed it a great deal and there's something about creating that is, well, rewarding. The story I began is flowing well. The ideas are flowing well, that is. It remains to be seen just how well the structure, etc. is. I suppose I've accepted by now that I'm not going to be the next great author on the best seller list. I haven't even tried to submit anything in a very long time. However, the mandate is still there to create. And so I will write for my own satisfaction and for the little but loyal group who enjoys what I spin.

The collage is near completion. I have the little gaps to fill in and some other touches to add. I'm quite satisfied with the way it has turned out. Considering how little advance planning went into it, it's surprising that it didn't turn into a mess. And that's probably a very subjective point of view. I accept that. In spite of all the Discussion and Debate on the subject, art ofttimes is in the eye of the beholder.

Work... Well, we won't talk about that this morning. My favorite person to dislike is rearing his ugly head again and trying to make life miserable, but no matter how difficult, I must not seem miserable...for then he has won and what power that gives him. And besides now with the re-org he's a pimple on the organization's butt with no power. A peon engineer like so many of us. So what's to worry about from him? He just enjoys annoying.

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