Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Instant winter

After a warm weekend, I awoke to 27 degrees F this morning. No, not outstandingly cold, but when one has become used to the warm, then the sudden plunge is, ah, uncomfortable. I've always been what my mother referred to as "cold-natured". (I assume this isn't the same as cold-hearted.) And each passing year makes me only more so.

So, I was told that the wanderings of my wild mind haven't proved to be very wild. I suppose the new medium and "exposing" myself this publicly has made me a bit tamer. But with time things will change, rest assured.

Well, what can I say? Would you think me mad or wild or just be very mildly amused if I told you that my Tyrannosaurus Rex visits my friend's Rex? Obi (hopefully that's recognized as a nickname, not actual name) sent me a Rex like the Rex on Obi's desk. Rex (Obi's) and RA (mine) are great friends and talk often. They visit each other on weekends, alternately staying at Obi's house and mine. Also they do adventurous and amazing things together. Rex is founder of the well known shipping company, Fed Rex. He's a very good driver and likes to go "vroom".

Let's not forget BBH and BBH2, twins again. BBH got his name from the fact that he was in the winner's dodecahedron and was trying to get out. Since it is a closed figure, he ended up just banging his head against the wall over and over. Currently he is shacked up with Rags, the racing mare and is her gofer and ardent admirer.

That leaves nkow. He's very confused because he is a he and doesn't understand why he has udders since he is a he. But that doesn't stop him from being a well-manner kow most of the time...except when he has a laugh while drinking and snorts chocolate milk. But he's a good kow and always cleans up after himself. Nkow has a weakness for hugs too.

There are others, but those three are the best known and most important of the herd, pack, group.

I just glanced out the window and noticed that I could see Venus. I know...so what? But that's just one of the things I like to do, follow the planets in the sky. I had been seeing Venus every morning as I left for work, but she's been moving closer to the sun and rising earlier and earlier so I haven't seen her in the morning sky in about a month now. But there she is now, rising later, shining not quite as bright as before as she recedes. Mars was easily visible this morning to the west and very red. Yes, the color is apparent when you see Mars in the sky. So Venus and Mars are alright this morning...to paraphrase. Love that song.

So I fare thee well as I sail off into the sunrise and get ready for another day of all day telecon safety review. Be safe and buy bonds.


Rainee said...

sometimes I think you would be great writing books for little kids. And I mean that in the best of ways!! Cuz I laughed about nkow.... and snorting chocolate milk. I like the wild wandering AND the tame ones! It's cool getting to "hear" your thoughts everyday. Or almost everyday.... sometimes I am bad and forget to keep up!

Bbear said...

I would love to write children's books. I think I could do that easier than books for grown ups. You'll have to meet nkow some day. He's a good kow. I wander where the wind takes me, come along or run for your life!