Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A tour of stuff

I'm gonna burn myself out fast if I keep posting at this rate. But it's kinda hard to shut up too. It's good to talk to the computer because it doesn't roll its eyes when I say some things, or have eyes to glaze over, or a mouth that says, "That's nice, but let me tell you...(about me)." Oh, don't mistake me, I do want to hear other people and I do care about what they do and say and think, but it would be nice if they showed (or at least feigned) interest in me. I've heard all the pat answers too. It's easy enough to figure out if someone is listening, cares, etc.

For instance, I love my work. I work for NASA. But these days NASA is passe and it's fashionable to trash NASA. Other than my spouse (an engineer), none of my friends really want to hear about that. They will interact with me on that subject for five minutes tops. But to me it's really more than a job. I would be exceedingly interested in the space program even if I didn't work for NASA. It's the only job I ever wanted, the only place I applied out of college. My dream job. How can I not love it? Okay, love it, but don't tell me about it, for goodness sakes. Let's talk about something the big sale at Kohl's! Did I tell you what I bought and how much I saved?!

I thought I had some interesting hobbies, the sort of things you'd bring up when a person asked about you: drawing, writing, reading all kinds of books on many subjects. Gee, I missed the class in relationships that says you should focus only on the other person. If you mention anything you have accomplished then you are an arrogant jerk. And the people I work with are always surprised to find out the sorts of things I do...when (if) they do find out.

I guess I sound like someone just starting out, or someone just moved here. But I'm 49 and have lived and worked here for 26 years. Just when people should have had friends for ages and get together with them always for dinners, movies, or just fun, I find that the older you get, the harder it is to make friends. What an isolated world we live in. And how difficult it is for someone who learned the social game in a totally different world. I think that's as much a part of it as anything else. The world has changed so greatly and I guess I haven't changed enough with it.

1 comment:

Rainee said...

this is SO true.... My world is pretty little too, and getting littler as my kids decide to leave me! I'm surrounded by people who only care about money - how much they have and how much they spend. Or THEIR kids... how much more perfect they are than mine. It gets tiring. Plus I live in this little bitty stuck up town of Guntersville. Here they think if you don't have waterfront or waterview property you're pretty much a waste of time.

You can tell me all about NASA!!! I wanna hear about it. :)