The end (very nearly) of the first month of a new year. And where did it go? It poofed in a cloud of soft white nothingness. Seems that way when I think back on it. What did I do in January? At least it wasn't as bad as December...shudder. And I really do have a couple of tangible accomplishments. I (shh...finished) the story I started. Well, in a sense. I wrote it to a conclusion that I can carry into a sequel. I didn't plan a sequel, until I saw that I couldn't quickly resolve the complex situation I'd set up. But I began and ended a story...aaah...
I think time seems to go by so fast when the days all become the same. When the routine, whether work or home, becomes so similar and there's little to mark the differences, then time becomes an undivided blur. But I like my routine, or most of it. (Work...that's a different issue.) I like to know what is coming and what I plan to do. Surprises often leave me perplexed and hesitant. Not all surprises, of course, but the larger ones that do not mark an anniversary, birthday, etc. Things like...December...shudder. Those kinds of surprises. And so the lesson is, excuse the so trite saying, variety is the spice of life. Not surprise, but not rut either. So it's up to me to see that my routine isn't so...well, routine. A little surprise that doesn't upset life is a good thing, and perhaps I need to make those happen rather than wait on them to come to me. Yes, I like that thought. It gives me several ideas...which I can't expound on in case certain people do recall to check the blog today (of all days).
Let's see...quick check...3 Feb Super Bowl, 6 Feb dry run on hazard report presentation, 7 Feb STS-122 launch, 14 Feb Valentine's Day, 18 Feb President's Day, 21 Feb presentation to CSERP. Gonna be a full month. Enough variety in there that it shouldn't be the same ol' thing every day. Be careful what you ask for. Some of it begs for SURPRISE!

so that's it..... the repeatativity of our daze is what makes them go by so fast...... that's quantum physics right??? Not actually that's not a word. But it's all because of your last post making fun of people who come up with their own words....
Seems like just a couple weeks ago it was Christmas. But I'm counting down the days til May so I'm not gonna complain.
No, not quantum physics. That would blow your mind much more than simple repetition. I'll have to tell you about Schrodinger's cat...and then watch your head spin. Bet that would make it go all the way around. ;D
You're just a neoterist, like those other neoterist. ( No, I didn't make up that word.
I'll count with you. Give me the exact date so I can mark it on my calendar.
the exact date is May 22nd. David's graduation day. Oh and I forgot to tell you earlier that my fiance Lawrence used to work in the video industry in Atlanta back in the day. He met and filmed an interveiw with Terrance Stamp and has his autograph. He said that in a sea of rude, arrogant interveiw-ees Mr Stamp was a wonderfully polite and sincere person. That has always stuck with Lawrence....
I meant to tell you that earlier but I got ummm.... distracted.
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