Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I have to say that I've been relieved to find several people like me in the past couple or so months. Like me, crazy? No, although one of them is. No, like me in reading. I am a voracious reader. Well, that's not it either. I know plenty of people who are that. The thing of it is that I read three or four books simultaneously. I expected that there probably were others out there who did the same. Since I've found I'm not the only person who loves to pour over maps for hours on end, read the dictionary, and collect for future use many kinds of interesting paper, I've come to learn that the things which others think make me "weird" are often shared by many people. It did take time to find another map person. The other dictionary person was easier. The other paper person, the easiest of all.

However all of the other voracious readers that I knew did not read multiple books simultaneously. In fact a couple thought I was beyond weird and wondered how I could keep the books straight. So as long as I've been reading, I really did begin to wonder. And the better half (who does not engage in recreational reading) was especially bemused by this habit.

However, one day in Barnes and Noble, other half mentioned to the lady behind the counter that I read several books at once. She said, "Of course! You have to have a book in the living room, one in the bedroom, one at work, one in the car..." A kindred spirit! Finally! As I knew it had to be, I was not alone.

Well, this just cracked the door. Since that fateful encounter, I've learned of others who are multi-task readers...people I don't even know. I heard an interview of Liam Neeson who said he read, "three or four books at a time." It was simply a matter of opening up the search. I'm not the wierdo. Those who do not take advantage of the great treasure of affordable books available are the unusual ones to me. There are books for every taste and interest, and audio books for those who don't read well (which is why other half doesn't indulge...learning disorder). I guess what I really don't understand is lack of curiosity. There's an incredible world out there just waiting to be discovered.

Books, books! A veritable gold mine!
Piled as high as a Ponderosa Pine.
Treasures of data, volumes of lore.
I want to read! Give me more!
Piled to the ceiling, piled to the trees.
Leave me in quiet with my reader's disease.


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