Thursday, March 27, 2008

And as the sun slowly sinks into the west...

We bid a fond farewell to blog land. An experiment tried and failed. As I had suggested to the friend who so strongly urged me to begin a blog, it would be for naught. I didn't want to get into a blog with a Big Purpose. I'm very much outspoken on a range of topics and I could have blogged those...and spent my spare time responding to critics and their flames. No, it's not the coward's way out to avoid that. It is the weary person's way out. I already spend plenty of time debating with those around me. I don't enjoy conflict but I will not compromise my principles either. That's why I didn't begin a blog with a Big Purpose. My blog of wandering has curried very little favor, and exceptionally few comments. I could continue it for fun simply because I like to write. However, since I would rather use the time for some writing that might actually be read...or some reading or drawing, I'm tossing the soppy wet towel in and it lands with a soft "flumph", the final comment on this blog.

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