Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday morning

It's human nature to dread Monday morning, and to moan that the weekend went by too quickly. At least it is for those who work Monday through Friday. Those of us don't see that Monday is a day off for many other people. So we stand ready to condemn a day that some people long for as much as we long for Friday. That is human nature. We think of self first, and note I did say "we" because I recognize it in myself as well. I do not claim to be without fault. Being in contact more these days with people who do not have the regimented work schedule that I do does make me stop and think about this more. I think we all need an attitude adjustment from time to time. And I don't mean that in the sadistic sense of the term either. I simple mean that we all could do with a change of point of view. And not just on work schedule. If you really want to live by the Golden Rule, which I hope most people do want, then we should endeavour to see others through their own eyes rather than ours. And we need to recall that we do not know what is going on in others' lives or minds or hearts before we judge them or run them under because we view they have wronged us. Me too. I've had my attitude changed for me by situations and circumstances I never expected nor asked for, and the result of some of these have truly impacted my life deeply. I hope I never see the world in the same way. I hope the lessons I have learned stick with me every day, and indeed are refreshed by other encounters so that I never forget.

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