Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chaos and Mayhem

Chaos cha⋅os  /ˈkeɪɒs/ [key-os]
1. a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.
2. any confused, disorderly mass: a chaos of meaningless phrases.

Mayhem may⋅hem  /ˈmeɪhɛm, ˈmeɪəm/ [mey-hem, mey-uhm]
1. Law. the crime of willfully inflicting a bodily injury on another so as to make the victim less capable of self-defense or, under modern statutes, so as to cripple or mutilate the victim.
2. random or deliberate violence or damage.
3. a state of rowdy disorder: Antagonisms between the various factions at the meeting finally boiled over, and mayhem ensued.

Well, there's no actual crime going on, not a legal one. But certainly a moral one. Killing my soul. The longer I have to live in this world, the more I detest it. I can't wait to get out of it and get to a place where "they" can't get to me...because I don't expect many, if any, of them to be there.

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