Friday, November 7, 2008

The whole thing is so full of nitrogen

That you won't get to a flammable level. But prove it. I need an analysis. I'm trying to track who's responsible for that. He left. But I found someone else. Then in a telecon with the module people and someone from the module said that was in the ICD. Then Edwards comes on and says I did that analysis a year ago.

I'm sure it's good work. He sent it to me. I'm still a little concerned.






Ha ha ha...



To take on the...

Oh, I'll be interested in the outcome of that.

I just can't wait until it stabilizes...hahahaha...

It's a wild ride.

Why did anyone act surprised?

Oh, okay. You still need it on the upper stage.

That'd be a pretty good test...2013? So all those production facilities are just waiting?

Procedures? hahahaha

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